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Sewage Sludge - A sustainable way for a circular economy

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

The world requires large sewage treatment plants to recover phosphates from sewage sludge or ashes as of 2032.

Conventional recovery technologies are costly and chemical-laden. Our technology now offers a more affordable, pollution-free alternative.

On the one hand, we are currently researching the use of bacteria, which decompose the organic material in the clarifier and eliminate harmful pathogens, so that the sewage sludge can be converted into a mineral-organic fertilizer after drying.

Together with our partners, we have developed an efficient and power-generating sludge incinerator that produces 15,000 MJ of electrical energy and incinerates 7,000 tons of sewage sludge per year

The subsequently produced sewage sludge ash is converted into fertilizer in our patented process and made available to plants through microorganisms. Without these microorganisms, the sterile ash could not deliver nutrients to the plants.

Our so-called " Soil pill" is a pre-fertilizer especially effective for maze culture.

The incinerator is offered as a modular container solution. It can easily be connected next to a hospital and provide electric power.

We solve the problem of sewage sludge processing, provide a clean and large amount of electricity and convert the final product into certified fertilizer. We solve three problems at the same time.

Thanks to the advanced exhaust system, no dangerous gases are produced. There is no odour nuisance, and the system can be rearranged or relocated as desired.

Potential risks to the environment

Environmental problems when spreading sewage sludge, such as a heavy metal entry in agricultural areas as "long-term dumps", through untreated municipal sewage sludge, a high concentration of pathogens, antibiotics and inhibitors in sewage sludge, nitrate and phosphate entry into surface water and groundwater during fertilization are currently causing major problems in the Sewage sludge spreading according to conventional methods.

In this regard, the use of sewage sludge as a critical commercial fertilizer or hazardous waste is currently being discussed controversially.

The fact is that the spreading of non-processing sewage sludge, which poses a risk to the general public, is to be banned in some federal states from 2017.

This makes the use of innovative, environmentally friendly processing methods necessary.

We offer you a complete solution for this.

Read more about our project in Pisek.

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