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Yemen - Tough outdoor conditions for our elite fertilizer

Bad soil conditions as a major challenge

Soils in Yemen are generally recent soils from alluvial deposits formed by water and wind weathering.

The country's soils are sandy to silty and loamy in the coastal regions, and silty to loamy and loamy in the highlands.

The floors are low in nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter. In areas in the

Highland soils are flat with often calcareous strata resulting in poor moisture retention.

Rainfall and underground water are the country's major resources for water represented by wells and springs. Rains water is the basic source for agriculture where about 77% of the total cultivated area depends directly on it.

We have tested our fertilizer very successfully in Yemen. Due to its high water holding capacity, it is the best fertilizer for hot climate conditions. Daytime temperatures of 60 degrees are not uncommon in Yemen.

Despite these challenging circumstances, we were able to successfully grow vegetables. On average, our cucumbers achieved up to 5 kg per plant.

Our crop protection product and the associated AgriElite Mineral have achieved great results. Our fertilizer with the high humus content and the specially cultivated mushroom cultures store more rainwater than any other organic fertilizer and supplies the plants evenly with all the important nutrients.

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